برای افزودن متن مورد نظرتان اینجا کلیک کنید

آزمون استخدامی

آزمون استخدام

زبان آموز گرامی، لطفا به نکات زیر قبل از شروع آزمون توجه کنید:


  • برای وارد کردن شماره تماس خود از کیبورد انگلیسی استفاده نمایید
  • وقت آزمون ۳۰ دقیقه و تعداد سوالات ۴۰ عدد است.
  • آزمون دارای نمره منفی نیست.
  • اساتید غیر زبان انگلیسی رزومه خود را به ادرس ایمیل:idealinstitute87@gmail.com ارسال کنید.

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.Music is wonderfully therapeutic! This is recognised by The Dosoco Foundation, which supports local projects that use music for social good
.The next round of Dosoco grant funding will shortly be open for applications
Grants are available from £700 to £1,000 (for organisations) and up to £300 (for individuals) in the areas of music education (e.g. working with a talented music student with either physical, social or learning disabilities), music access (e.g. a music club for groups that might struggle to start something on their own), music innovation (e.g. using an electronic device such as Raspberry Pi to help disabled people make music) and music therapy (e.g. an idea for using music to support positive mental health)
Case study
Dosoco recently awarded a grant to Alexia Sloane, a young composer with sight loss, to enable her to attend the sound-and-music summer-school composition course at the Purcell School. Alexia has since gained a place as a composer with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain - the first blind composer to be appointed - and has also been awarded the title of Young Composer of the Year
She was the first female composer ever to receive this honour in its ten-year history
Organisations, families and individuals can apply by completing a simple form
Dosoco can contribute up to 50% towards project costs. Projects must be locally based and must be new ideas for using music to make a positive impact on people's lives where help is really .needed

You can apply to Dosoco now for grant funding

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.You can apply for a grant that will help to educate a musician

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.Alexia Sloane lost her sight after attending a summer-school composition course

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Alexia now plays several instruments with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain

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.Alexia has received an award for her work in music

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.Applications can be made by filling in an online form

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.In some cases Dosoco will cover the full cost of the project

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Guide to employees on workplace monitoring
?What is workplace monitoring

Employers have the right to monitor your activities in many situations at work. For example, your activities may be recorded on CCTV cameras, and your letters may be opened and read. In addition, your employer may use an automated software programme to check the emails you receive at work. Phone calls may be listened to and recorded, and the log of websites you use may be checked
All of these forms of monitoring are covered by data protection law. Data protection law doesn't prevent monitoring in the workplace. However, it does set down rules about the circumstances and the way in which monitoring should be carried out
Before deciding whether to introduce monitoring, your employer should identify any negative effects the monitoring may have on staff. This is called impact assessment
Monitoring electronic communications at work
Your employer can legally monitor your use of electronic communications in the workplace if the monitoring relates to the business and the equipment being monitored is provided partly or wholly for work
Except in extremely limited circumstances, employers must take reasonable steps to let staff know that monitoring is happening, what is being monitored and why it is necessary
As long as your employer sticks to these rules, they don't need to get your consent before they monitor your electronic communications, but only if the monitoring is for specific reasons. These may be to establish facts which are relevant to the business or to check standards, for example, listening in to phone calls to assess the quality of your work. Monitoring is also allowed if its purpose is to prevent or detect crime
*It may be necessary to make sure electronic systems are operating effectively, for example, to prevent computer viruses entering the system. Your employer is also allowed to listen in to any calls .you make to confidential helplines, but in this case he or she is not allowed fo record these calls

In general, monitoring is legal if

you are using............ itended for work

he worker has been informed

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to check calls to………(these cannot be recorded)

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to stop the possibility of ………. affecting systems

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..................to stop or find out about

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Monitoring may be used
to evaluate the………….of your work

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In general, monitoring is legal if
It relates to the business
you are using...................... intended for work
the worker has been informed

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Rules for monitoring are established by data protection law. This states that employers must carry out a procedure that is known as.....................before introducing monitoring

Your score is

The average score is 70%
